How can you reach a state of wellbeing?


You’ve already had psychotherapy or counselling, which helped you to come to terms with your past. You appreciate that you know the root of what makes you you. Now you want some support to tackle present-day challenges that you can see are affecting your emotions, your body, and your relationships with others.


Your low self-esteem just gets in the way of everything! Trying to form good working relationships with your colleagues and being too self-conscious to join a gym is really getting you down.


You spend hundreds of £££ over the weekend going out to escape the stress of your job because in the moment it feels good, but you’ve noticed that you’re arguing with your partner more often, you haven’t been to a fitness class in over a month, and your mood is low.


You’ve noticed that you don’t eat as healthily as you used to, you fell out with your best friend, and you just don’t feel happy. This all happened when you took that promotion because it pays more, but it’s really stressful and you suspect you might be reaching burn out. You know you hate your job, but what you don’t know is how to leave it.

Overall, you simply want to feel good.

Coaching can sort that out.


Lia Rich

BA Psychology

Master of Social Work

Accredited Diploma in Transformational Coaching

ICF Member with ACC Credential